My 3 creativity & memory connections
Do you consider yourself ‘creative’ or ‘not creative’?
I believe we’re all creative in our own ways.
And, the more creativity we bring into our lives (which we can all do if we want to!) the more enriching it can be.
To add to this though, what if creativity also helped in improving our memory?
Here are my 3 connections between creativity and memory!
1. Mindset is key
‘I can be creative’ / ‘I can remember’.
2. Memory techniques use creativity
Coming up with a funny/bizaare/creative image or association is what well known memory techniques are all about.
3. Creativity = Mindfulness = Memory
A creative activity can be a form of mindfulness, bringing calm and clarity for our minds.
And, as mindfulness reflects an attentiveness to the present moment, this also helps memory.
We need to first give something our proper attention in order to remember it.
This is reflected in a well-known quote - ‘the art of memory is the art of attention’.
As the connection between creativity and memory is something very close to my heart, I can’t help but elaborate a little further.
The more creativity we can bring into our lives, in whatever form we’re drawn to, the better.
It might be painting, cooking, poetry, floristry, dance, story-telling to name just a few.
Whichever your form (or forms) of choice, we can’t help it from translating to other areas of our lives, including our memory, in the most beautiful way.
Whether it be from learning how to manage our minds positively - and choosing to believe and trust ourselves as we go through the sometimes challenging creative process (!)
becoming more comfortable using our imagination that in turn helps us get creative with memory techniques.
if it’s a sense of calm, clarity and an attention to the present moment while enjoying a creative mindful activity -
These connections all roll together so nicely, to enhance our memory, as well as the beauty and enjoyment of our lives.
Beat that.
Interested in how you can bring more creativity into your life?
Click the book a chat button. I would love to speak with you.