When you live alone - 3 memory opportunities

If you live alone or spend a lot of time on your own, this one is for you!

In recent years, I’ve had the chance to experience both living alone and living with others.

It’s made me realise how much our living situations can shape our memory.

There are of course many environmental factors that shape us in all sorts of ways.

Considering how much time we typically spend at home,’living’ would have to be one of the big ones.

Much like our workplace or the people we spend our time with for example.

I thought I’d share a list of opportunities of living alone, to enhance our memory potential!

Memory Opportunities

- Build positive self-talk

As we may not have the buffer of other people to ‘get us out of our head’, we have the opportunity to really tune into our self-talk or the thoughts that occupy our mind and make sure they’re the kind of thoughts we want to have. This is so key not only for improving our memory but for our general fulfillment in life!

- Build relationships

If we can have or build connections and relationships, whether they be with family, friends or partners, we can keep up regular interactions and conversation with other humans! I know it might feel nice and comfortable on our own at home but as they say, we are social creatures…conversations with others give us a real chance to test and build our memory rather than being limited to what’s going on in our own head alone! It could be anything from being asked what you did in the weekend, to recalling an old tale with an old friend. -

- Memory training/study

Without the distractions of other people around, we can more easily allocate and spend time on memory training or study. Whether it be dominating the TV or stereo with memory Ted Talks on You Tube or podcasts, or focused study to learn about and apply the memory palace tool. The geeking out bringing you satisfaction from the challenge and confidence from the learning. You might also end up with some memory tricks to wow and surprise when you are around others.

Now, after writing this list, I have a confession to make.

I believe I went into the ‘living alone’ topic with more challenges in mind.

However, as you can see, that really feels completely irrelevant now!

So much of life depends on how we look at things - are they challenges or opportunities?

If you’d like to talk more on this topic, click the ‘book a chat’ button.


From memory worry to memory hope!


More to memory - the 4 types!